The Aretaeio Private Hospital in Nicosia is a modern and high-standard hospital, which has and takes advantage of the most advanced medical technologies and with the cooperation of doctors of all specialties, provides to the patient all diagnostic and therapeutic services under the same roof, in a humane and friendly environment.
The building facilities and the equipment of Aretaeio meet fully the modern needs of medical science and the relevant specifications of the European Union, while its operation is based on internationally recognized standards.
More than 40 distinguished doctors are hosted in the hospital, while at the same time, more than 100 doctors from Cyprus and abroad are currently part of the Hospital's network of partner doctors.
With a total coverage of 12,000 sq.m, 71 beds (GESY+Kappa), 5 ICUs, 54 beds in Pathology, Surgery and Gynecology Wards, 6 beds in the Cardiology Unit, 5 aseptic surgeries, 1 septic and 1 in First Aid, the Aretaeio Hospital strives to fulfill its goal of improving the care of its patients through quality healthcare.